
Application Developer

Dhruv Kale is the Application Developer for the Institute for Successful Longevity. He earned his Master of Science degree in Computer Science from Florida State University. Dhruv has industry experience as a full-stack software engineer, specializing in technologies such as Java, Python, React, Angular, Node.js, Spring Boot, and Fast API. He is skilled in testing using Selenium and Postman and has experience deploying complex web applications on Azure cloud service.

Administrative Assistant

Nehja Guillaume is the Administrative Assistant for the Institute for Successful Longevity. She earned her Bachelor of Science from Stetson University. During her undergraduate years, she was actively involved in her university's Peer Tutoring Program, Multicultural Student Council, Student Ambassadors, WISE Mentoring Program, and literary magazine, Touchstone.

Outreach Assistant

Victoria Valko is the Outreach Assistant for the Institute for Successful Longevity. She is pursuing a degree in Public Health with a minor in Information Technology at Florida State University. Her experience includes research in health informatics, data analysis, and organizational outreach. At ISL, she focuses on expanding community engagement, managing outreach efforts, and supporting ISL events and initiatives.