• ISL's Volunteers — The Participant Registry

    Faculty Affiliates have access to ISL's Participant Registry, a database of more than 3,500 research volunteers.

  • ISL Faculty Affiliates

    ISL has more than 90 Faculty Affiliates from fields across the FSU campus.

  • ISL's Planning Grants

    The ISL Planning Grants support collaborative research with the goal of improving opportunities for successful longevity.

  • The Esther & Del Grosser Scholarship

    Faculty Affiliates can offer nominations for this annual award of $1,000 in support of student research.

  • Recognizing ISL Graduate Students

    The Institute for Successful Longevity recognizes graduate students and the work they do in longevity research.


ISL Faculty Resources


Faculty Affiliates are at the core of the Institute for Successful Longevity and its interdisciplinary approach to longevity research. ISL has more than 90 Faculty Affiliates from fields across the FSU campus.

Full time faculty, including research faculty, and postdoctoral fellows may become Faculty Affiliates. To apply, send a current CV and a short research statement (one page) that indicates your work related to the mission of ISL to ISL@fsu.edu. Also, please include a high-resolution photograph and a link to your own faculty page, if available.

Upon approval by current Faculty Affiliates and the ISL Joint Advisory Board, you will become an ISL Faculty Affiliate, with your bio and photo posted on the ISL Faculty Affiliate web page.

Affiliates have the following privileges:

  • Access to ISL’s Participant Registry, our volunteer database, for studies of successful longevity, subject to approval of the project by the FSU Human Research Review process.
  • Opportunities to apply for ISL Planning Grants.
  • Participation in grant and contract applications in collaboration with other ISL Affiliates.
  • Use of ISL logos and templates when making ISL-related scholarly presentations.
  • When requested, a letter from the Director to the home department outlining member contributions to ISL’s mission.
  • Voting rights on motions advanced at Faculty Affiliate meetings.


The Institute for Successful Longevity wants to recognize graduate students and the work they do in longevity research.

If you have a student working in the field of longevity, send us a brief bio, explaining the research interests and work of the individual, and a photo.

You can also let us know when a graduate student has an article published, gives a conference presentation or participates in other longevity-related activities.

ISL will feature the student on our web page, in our newsletter and on our Facebook page.

Please send the bio and photo to Nehja Guillaume, ISL’s administrative assistant, at ng24k@fsu.edu. You can call her at 850-644-8571 if you have questions.


The Institute for Successful Longevity recruits volunteers to help researchers in their work in longevity. We currently have more than 3,000 older adults from Tallahassee and the surrounding area in our Participant Registry, our database of individuals who have expressed an interest in being study volunteers.

ISL Faculty Affiliates who have registered as ISL researchers may contact these individuals to see if they wish to participate in their research studies.

To register as an ISL researcher, go here and create a log-in. And if you have already registered, go here.

After you log in, follow these instructions to submit a study request. Once the ISL Director has approved your request, you may use the Participant Registry to gather study volunteers.

Adults over the age of 60 can join ISL's Participant Registry here.


The Institute for Successful Longevity offers ISL Planning Grants to promote collaboration among FSU research faculty. In addition, the program is seen as a first step toward collecting pilot data leading to federal funding.

Each ISL Planning Grant provides a $25,000 award in support of research in a new direction or provides continuing support of existing research with the goal of improving the opportunity for successful longevity.

ISL Planning Grants are available for ISL Faculty Affiliates only and require an interdisciplinary team.

Apply for an ISL Planning Grant here.

Here are directions on how to log in to file an application.

Callie Kindelsperger, ISL’s previous Administrative Assistant, has created a video that takes you step-by-step through the ISL Planning Grant application. Watch her how-to-apply video.

Current ISL Planning Grant grantees can apply for a no-cost extension here.

Read about the 2023 ISL Planning Grant Winners and the 2024 ISL Planning Grant Winners.


As a Faculty Affiliate, you have the privilege of nominating students for the Institute for Successful Longevity’s Esther & Del Grosser Scholarship, an annual award of $1,000 in support of student research.

The Director will ask for nominations in early spring. Nominations should include:

  • A one-page letter from the student indicating how their research contributes to the Institute’s mission, as outlined in the “Our Goals” section of the ISL web site: isl.fsu.edu.
  • A letter of recommendation from you, the student’s advisor, highlighting the student’s accomplishments and why you believe that the student merits the award.
  • Your student’s CV.
  • A high-quality photo of the student.

To nominate a student, please visit our nomination page: Esther & Del Grosser Scholarship 2025

A panel of judges will review the nominations and make a recommendation to the Director, who will announce the scholarship winner.

Read about Leila Khalili, M.S., the 2023 Esther & Del Grosser Scholarship winner, here.


Undergraduate, Graduate students and Postdoc working with ISL Faculty Affiliates can compete in the annual ISL Student Poster Day competition, held in the spring semester.

In the competition, graduate students show their posters, explain their research and take questions from other graduate students, from faculty and from a three-judge panel.

Ashley Archer, a graduate student working with ISL Faculty Affiliate Elizabeth Madden, Ph.D., won the 2021 Student Poster Day competition, with her poster on her research on stroke victims and aphasia.


ISL is actively recruiting participants for a variety of ongoing research studies. Our webpage provides a list of current studies that are seeking participants, aiming to enhance our understanding of successful longevity.

To view the list of ongoing research studies and learn more about participation, please visit: Ongoing Research Studies Recruitment.