Watch Caterina Gratton's Brown Bag Talk on 'The Ups and Downs of Aging Brains'

February 10, 2023


If you missed Caterina Gratton's  ISL Brown Bag Talk on “The Ups and Downs of Aging Brains: Using Precision Imaging to Map Brain Organization in Older Adults,” you can now watch it here.

Dr. Gratton’s research focuses on characterizing how human brain networks are organized and how they contribute to complex, goal-directed behaviors such as attention. Her lab team studies the neural substrates underlying these processes in the healthy population as well as how they vary across individuals and break down with damage.

Dr. Gratton, a Faculty Affiliate of  FSU’s Institute for Successful Longevity, gave her talk February 6. 2023, as part of ISL's 2023 Brown Bag Series.